Saturday, October 19, 2024

7 Reasons Why Unfriending Someone On Social Media Is Not That Bad


7 Reasons Why Unfriending Someone On Social Media Is Not That Bad


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In celebration of National Unfriend Day, it is time for you to check how many friends do you have right now? Do you communicate with all of them? Is it truly necessary for you to keep in touch with them? It’s easy for friend lists to spiral out of hand — we’ve all done it. So, if you answered no to the last question, take a few steps to start again by eliminating everybody you haven’t spoken to in the past year.

There are numerous reasons why you should not feel wrong about unfriending or unfollowing individuals on social media, regardless of how close you are to real life. And, while it may appear that you are telling that person that you no longer want to be a part of their digital presence, we believe there are some good reasons to unfriend or unfollow them.

While it is fair that Facebook has an unfriend option, people can get a little too carried away with it. Here are seven valid reasons to unfriend someone on Facebook to help you decide whether or not to cut connections with your friends.

1.) If someone is being a stalker

We have all had that one acquaintance who, no matter what, comments on every single post, photo, and other stuff. It is unsettling and strange if someone has enough time on their hands to watch every single action you make.

2.) When you are no longer friends with them in real life

We appear to form new ties with people over time while watching previous friendships crumble right before our eyes. Friendships rarely end well, so if you see a few contacts on Facebook with whom you are no longer pals, remove them to avoid discomfort even on social media.

3.) If their status or updates are annoying

Suppose a Facebook friend constantly posts statuses and updates that make you roll your eyes. In that case, it is a brilliant idea to delete that individual from your list of friends to avoid unnecessary frustration.

4.) If their updates have no importance to you

If the updates on your newsfeed appear to be a waste of space and have no relevance to you, you should unfriend the person who posts them. In the end, social media is a way to remain in touch with friends and interact, and having internet pals is pointless if you are browsing through posts from people, you do not seem to care about.

5.) When you don’t really know the person

Another reason to unfriend someone on Facebook is if you do not know who they are. We all go to gatherings or parties and strike up conversations with random folks. If you have not hung out after a few talks, it is time to say goodbye to your new acquaintance and move on.

6.) If they’re being negative

If you have people in your life that bring you down and make you feel horrible about yourself because they continuously say negative things and never have anything lovely to say about you, it is best to cut connections with them for good. The last thing you need is to eliminate the negative energy around you.

7.) To keep moving forward

When you follow someone on social media, you are immediately engaged in that person’s life. When their content appears on your newsfeed regularly, you are forced to see their activities via a social media lens, which slows down your progress to move forward. It is challenging to get over it when persistent reminders poke you every time you open the app.