Thursday, October 24, 2024

Reasons Why Having Personal Space In A Relationship Is Important


Reasons Why Having Personal Space In A Relationship Is Important


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Being with your partner is one of the best feelings, but being stuck in the same space for a long time can feel suffocating and restricting because we don’t get enough time to enjoy the things that we love individually.

Understanding how and why personal space is important is a key aspect of creating a happier, healthier, and more balanced relationship.

With this in mind, it is important to make room for personal space in a relationship, which will help you achieve the balance that you crave.

1. Personal space attracts personal growth

Relationships are supposed to let you grow as a person and not hinder you from finding more interesting things about yourself.

Having your own personal space while in a relationship allows you to discover other things that are outside and far from the things that you do together all the time.

If you are always locked inside your relationship, you will never have greater experiences, dreams, and plans for yourself. Staying stuck in the same space for a long time will make you miss a lot of fun opportunities.

Remember, a healthy relationship is something that inspires you to be bigger than who you are. It is something that drives you to become the best version of yourself, and you can never exceed your yesterdays by just keeping your feet on the same ground.

2. Promotes sense of individuality

Whether in a relationship or not, valuing your individuality is important because it is everything that makes you a unique human being.

If you don’t have enough space to care for your individuality, you might end up becoming a person who cannot even recognize herself.

Being able to do your own thing and show who you really are while in a relationship will certainly promote happier life experiences. This also means setting boundaries between your togetherness by allowing each other the freedom to meet your individual needs and goals.

3. Being together all the time may lead to suffocation

Having a personal space where you can act, think, and behave in your own way without anyone watching you is a form of self-care because you feel very free and more like yourself.

If you are always together with your partner, it may slowly lead to suffocation, as everyone needs time to themselves and to be themselves as much as they want to.

Truth be told, we may also have a lot of differences with our partners. We are allowed to have different interests, ambitions, skills, and desires, which is why being together all the time may hinder you from doing the things that actually make you happy.

4. The importance of freedom is strengthened

Making room for personal space avoids toxic codependency and clinginess. This fosters more freedom between partners who are still in the process of finding their own identity and place in the world.

Just because you are committed to each other, it does not necessarily mean always being on the same page, same space, or same pace.

Give each other the freedom to spend more time with their family and friends, have fun achieving their own goals, take time building their own dreams, grow through their own hard work, and learn the ways of life alone.

A healthier relationship is built when you can fully trust and support each other in all possible ways.

5. It improves communication and understanding

Personal space will make you understand that we are all different from one another, regardless of how deeply we love and relate to each other.

This will make you discover new things about yourself and your partner that you will never get to see if you are always together. With that, it is easier to communicate your needs, worries, wants, and feelings.

If you know how to understand your partner outside the boundaries of your relationship, it will also encourage you to respect their boundaries and prevent you from hurting them without their knowledge.

Giving space increases mutual understanding and a deeper connection between each other’s sentiments.

6. It fuels healthy desire by making your heart grow fonder

Giving each other some time and space actually makes your hearts grow fonder. In this stage, you tend to miss your partner even more and think about your shared moments together, fueling healthy desires within yourself.

This is actually a good chance to reflect on your relationship track record and evaluate yourself as a partner.

Being apart sometimes helps you make sense of your relationship’s dynamics and navigate and develop your actions.

Keep in mind that excessive dependence on one another can make you lose yourself in your own relationship.

It is always important to set and respect each other’s boundaries in order to find genuine comfort in between the spaces of your togetherness and separateness.