Friday, October 18, 2024

What We Can Get From The Lenten Season That We Can Apply To The Quarantine


What We Can Get From The Lenten Season That We Can Apply To The Quarantine


How do you feel about this story?


As we embark in an unconventional Lenten Season inside our homes due to the enhanced community quarantine (ECQ), let us not allow the situation to hinder us from what we should constantly live by – continuously radiate with hope, love and happiness.

Admittedly, the daily COVID-19 cases tally that we hear or read, adds anxiety and panic among Filipinos. Thoughts of “what ifs” flood our minds, leading us to the point of almost forgetting the fact that we can actually protect ourselves against the virus.

Even our suddenly limited activities also somehow affect some people’s mental health.

Getting up in the morning has been more of a struggle; and finding the joy in simplest things or activities has also become a challenge.

But… if we will just think about it, there have also been challenging moments in our lives where we chose to accept and live on. Those moments also led you to hurdling obstacles after obstacles, before finally reaching your goal or having that inner peace.

There is a parable in the Bible titled, “Daniel in the Lions’ Den”

The story tells us about the titular character who fell in the lair of wild animals.

About to be preyed by the beasts, Daniel did not lose his faith and immediately kneeled to pray for God’s mercy and miracle.

The lion, which was already raising his claws to Daniel ready to rip his ribs and munch his flesh, suddenly turned into a tamed animal and softly sat down in front of him.

Daniel was able to get out of the lair without any scratch.

Daniel dealt with the conflict head on, so why shouldn’t you?

Moreover, as a wise man once said, “When there is love, there is life”, and when there is life, there is hope.

Let us continue to survive the pandemic and help flatten the curve by complying with regulations.

And while doing all these and wait for the normalization of everything, let’s also be reminded to count our blessings: the number of days where we are given to wake up each morning with a healthy body and sound mind; having the opportunity to be with our family, and enjoying the comforts of our home.